In-person worship has resumed, reservations will once again be required for the safety of the congregation, and the following guidelines will be observed.
Per Bishop Stokes and the Re-entering, Reopening, Re-imagining guidelines, please adhere to the following as we return to our in-person services at Christ Church. Please do not feel compelled to attend the in-person service if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
Health Self-screening
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms/conditions?
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Chills, or repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste or smell
- Diarrhea
- Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Have you been in close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19?
- Have you traveled beyond the Tri-State area?
If you have had these symptoms, do not come to church until you are certain you will not infect other people. This is to ensure everyone’s safety. Instead, please join us online for live-streamed services on Facebook.
Reservations are required for each in-person service. Space is limited to approximately 40 attendees.
Please use the online reservation form or email or call the church office (732 671-2524) to reserve seats for the upcoming Sunday.
When you call please provide the name of each person in your family/party who resides in your home. If you are bringing a visitor, we will need that person’s name and contact information as well.
You will be asked to confirm your contact information on file in the office – full name, phone number and email. If your contact information in the Parish Directory is inaccurate, please give the office the updated information (this information will be kept confidential). The purpose of this information is for tracing purposes only in the event someone who attended the same service as you and your family contracts COVID-19.
Please advise the office of any special needs or requests you may have, such as whether anyone in your party needs the elevator or handicapped seating, a gluten free host, or is serving as a lector (as this would affect seating).
Your request will be confirmed by email on Friday with your assigned pew and seat number(s). You will also be notified if the office was unable to assign you seats for the upcoming service.
Unfortunately, due to contact tracing requirements, the church will not be able to seat you unless you have a confirmed reservation.
The Church Office is now open by appointment only: Tuesdays through Fridays from 9:30 am - 2:30 pm.
Attendance Rules
- Masks must be worn any time you are on church property. This includes outside both before and after the service. To protect greeters, masks should be firmly in place prior to reaching the church doors. If you do not have a mask, signal to the greeter and one will be handed to you. Children 2 and under are not required to wear a mask.
- Enter only at the marked entrance and maintain a 6ft. distance (following the red markers on the pavement) once on church property.
- Please sanitize your hands at the entrance.
- Upon entering the church an usher/greeter will ask for your name and the names of all in your party. They will check you off the list of registered individuals.
- An usher will designate your assigned pew by number. All seating has been measured and marked to keep the 6 ft. distance requirement and each pew has a number visible.
- Please proceed to your pew and do not change seats.
- Please take all personal items, such as umbrellas or coats, to the pew. The coat closet will not be available to store these items.
- Please no standing in the Narthex.
- There are no prayer books or hymnals in the pews. You can bring your own prayer book if you prefer rather than using the printed bulletin.
- There will be no singing before, during or after the service.
- A friendly nod or wave is appropriate for the Peace-please, do not shake hands or in any way physically touch anyone who is not from your household.
- The offering plate will not be passed. Please leave your offering on the plate in the Narthex as you enter or leave. You can also make your donation electronically on the church website.
- Fr. Michael will distribute communion by approaching each pew and parishioner in the pew.
- Before receiving communion, please sanitize your hands. You may use the hand sanitizer in the pew or one you have brought yourself.
- Stay seated as Fr. Michael offers you communion.
- Once everyone in your pew has received, and Fr. Michael has exited the pew, you may remove your mask briefly to consume the sacrament. Please put your mask back on immediately afterwards.
Exiting the church
Follow the usher’s instructions.
Parishioners will be dismissed by pew, beginning with the back of the church and moving forward.
Upon dismissal please keep the 6 ft distance from the other parishioners.
For safety reasons, please do not congregate or socialize during the exit from the service.
Parishioners are expected to remain in their pews once they have been seated. If you must use the church restroom, please limit this to either before or after the service.
The only available restroom is located in the Sunday School hallway (on the same level as the church).
Please disinfect the restroom before you leave it, following the instructions on the posted sign. This includes the toilet, sink, light switch and door handles.
Children must be accompanied by an adult who may stand outside the bathroom but must disinfect after the child is finished.
Disinfecting supplies/gloves will be in the bathroom