
Outreach is the heart and soul of Christ Church

and we as a community seem happiest

when we are working together to help those in need.

  • The Calico Cat Thrift Shop sells used clothing and household goods with all proceeds donated to those in need in Middletown and surrounding areas. The Calico Cat Pantry provides household goods, personal care items, paper products, cleaning supplies and food to those in need, free of charge. Christ Church members collect different items of need throughout the year for donation to the Thrift Store and Pantry.  

  • Teams of volunteers provide and serve meals at St. Mark's Center for Community Renewal in neighboring Keansburg. This center provides over 3,500 meals monthly.  Additionally the pantry serves approximately 4,000 individuals each year.  Over 350 families utilize one or more services provided by this Community Center

  • holiday ingatherings/food drives

    We provide, from generous parishioner donations, over 50 FULL Thanksgiving turkey dinners. Christ Church volunteers and donors sort and transport the full dinners to those at St. Mark's Center for Community Renewal. At Christmas time, we collect new toys, stuffed animals and winter clothing for those in need. At various times during the year, Christ Church conducts food and personal care product drives.

  • Christ Church's youth group, along with other parishioners annually participate in Red Bank's CROP Walk to bring awareness to the issues of poverty and hunger, and helps raise money and food to bring to those who need it most. Each year since 2000, the CROP Walk raises over $100,000 towards hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. 

  • Our volunteers provide lunches and snacks for ASLAN Youth Ministries Day Camp, an organization specific for at risk youth. Monetary donations from our parish are also collected and given to this organization to assist with operational costs. 

  • Outreach Coffee Sales

    The Outreach Committee organizes quarterly coffee sales to the benefit of those in need. The coffee is custom ground and fresh-roasted by our favorite local company, Jersey Shore Coffee Roasters. Order forms will be available for several weeks for your pre-paid orders. Check the weekly announcements for the date of our next Outreach Coffee Sale.  

  • Disaster relief Through the episcopal relief & Development fund

    We generously donate to the Episcopal Relief & Development Fund, which assists to rebuild after disasters and empower people to create lasting solutions to combat poverty, hunger and disease. These programs, in approximately 40 countries, help impact the lives of nearly 3 million people around the world.  

  • RIse against Hunger

    Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies.

  • LENTEN ALMS 2025

    Christ Church Outreach Committee has once again decided to use the GIFTS FOR LIFE programs offered by Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) for our Lenten Alms donations. This year, our focus is on “Disaster Relief Around the World".  Click here for a video short about this year's Lenten Alms. 2025LentenAlmsaudio.mp4