Education for ministry: Fall 2020 enrollment

Education for Ministry, a structured four year curriculum of scripture, readings and discussion developed by the School of Theology at The University of the South, Sewanee (www.efm/, aims to help its participants grow in faith and in understanding of what discipleship means. We meet each Wednesday evening in the Library at 6 p.m. During this time of social isolation, we have been meeting through Google Hangouts, an easily downloaded app. This experiment has been so successful that we are offering it as an option to anyone for whom travel at night is problematic.

We are starting to organize for September 2020 classes, which marks the program’s 5th year at Christ Church. First year students begin with a study of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and then move on to the New Testament, History of Christianity, and a focus in the 4th year on theology, ethics, and interfaith encounters. The readings are challenging, thought provoking, sometimes disturbing, and always enriching. While exploring living faithfully in the world today as Christians and our relationship with God and one another, we discover the richness of learning in community and the intimacy that develops when we feel safe and our opinions, questions and leaps of faith are accepted without judgment.

If you are interested in joining us in the Fall (or just curious and would like to sit in on a teleconferenced meeting), contact Pauline Dawson (732-290-9435; or George Speidel (732-615-9809; with your questions. All new or continuing enrollments need to be submitted in July.